Garden Pavilion inpatient care

Garden Pavilion offers a safe, therapeutic environment during a behavioral health crisis. With care and close monitoring over several days and nights, patients get support for severe or life-threatening mental health symptoms.

Located within Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, admission to Garden Pavilion is determined by our psychiatrists, typically in our Emergency department. If you are experiencing severe mental health symptoms, please go to the nearest emergency department.

Inpatient treatment

During a stay at Garden Pavilion, you can take part in:

  • Creation of an individualized care plan that promotes your recovery
  • Daily visits with a psychiatrist (mental health doctor)
  • Group therapy on various topics led by clinical social workers and nurses throughout each day, seven days a week
  • Art therapy
  • Socializing and watching TV with other patients in the open atrium between therapy sessions

Patient policies

You'll stay in your own comfortable, private room.

To protect the privacy and safety of yourself, other patients, and our staff:

  • Staff search all patient belongings. You may not keep certain items with you, such as sharp objects, belts, clothing with strings, drug paraphernalia, cell phones, computers, or some medications
  • We do not share your location or personal information with anyone outside of our staff unless we receive your permission, and we ask you to respect the confidentiality of other patients

Expect to see our friendly staff every 15 minutes as we continually check in on your well-being and monitor the environment for safety. You're encouraged to sleep from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m., but it's okay to watch TV or spend time in the atrium if you're quiet and don't bother others.

Family involvement

With your permission, a staff member can contact your friends and family to:

  • Ask questions to learn more about how your symptoms affect your daily life and relationships and verify information you've shared with us
  • Request they bring clothing or personal items to the hospital
  • Be part of discharge planning, which makes arrangements for continued care when you leave the hospital

Discharge planning and follow-up care

Partner with a social worker who helps you make a plan for success and ongoing support when it's time to leave the hospital. Your plan may include:

  • Scheduling follow-up appointments
  • Transitioning to a different setting for care or accessing outpatient programs
  • Medication
  • Referrals to local resources that may benefit you, such as legal services or agencies that assist people experiencing homelessness

Visitor policies

You must receive a patient's permission to visit or call them at Garden Pavilion. 

Need help? Contact us.

24/7 emergency care

If you or someone else has a mental health emergency:

  • Call 911 or go to the Emergency department, where you'll receive a mental health assessment and safety plan from a trained crisis intervention team
  • Call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 or connect with a counselor online at

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